How to get Verified on

How to get Verified on

Last updated February 27, 2024

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How to get verified on Rarible.
Learn how to get verified on on this post.

How to Get Verified on 

Getting verified on social media has never been easy as a newbie, but in this blog, we'll teach you how you can get verified on

Table of contents
1. What is
2. Who founded
3. What is an Nft 
4 How to Get Verified on
5. How to set up a professional profile on

1. What is is an Nft Market place where
users can mint, buy and sell their Nfts.
Rarible is also software that allows digital
creators to issue and sell custom crypto
assets that represent ownership of their digital works. Nft Marketplace runs on their
own web3 crypto token called  RARI, this
is token where users can mint   their   nfts,
same idea as Ethereum. recently started supporting
Polygon matic, a crypto token where you
can mint for free without paying any gas

2. Who founded was founded by Alex  Salnikov and Alexei Falin on 2019 and based in Moscow". Salnikov has been
working in cryptocurrency since 2013, while Falin previously co-founded a marketplace for digital stickers which can be used on chat  platforms.

3. What is an Nft 

Nft means Non-fungible Token.
It's a digital token that represents ownership to an asset. This assets comes in many forms as per what the creator identified it with.
Most Nfts are running on Web3 software, all minted on a Crypto token. This finally gives Artists, digital creators the chances to get royalties of their works.
You can as well mint Nfts on several platforms like;,, Looksrare and, Etc.

Image source: @Edigraphs on Twitter.

4. How to Get Verified on 

Rarible verification badge

"To get verified on", simply go to your profile page by signing in with Trustwallet or Metamask app, Then click on the tiny profile circle on the top right corner, and select Edit profile.
 Check below image for more details.

After that, in the next page scroll down to the lower side of the page and select Get Verified.
After clicking Get Verified, it'll lead you to another page.
On that next page, fill out all the details and information required from you and click Submit. After that, keep checking your Email within the next 2 weeks or days.

 Check below image for more details.

Awwn I'm already verified.

5. How to setup a professional profile on 

Setting up a professional profile on can be easily be done.
After signing up with, on your profile page, click the tiny circle on the top right corner, then select Edit profile.
On the next page, do the following below the image;

* Add your profile picture, 
* Add your cover photo
* Add your bio 
* Add your Instagram account link
* Verify your Twitter handle
* Also get yourself verified (optional) 
Then click finish.
And there you have yourself a professional Rarible profile.
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