How to make a Successful Blog or Website

How to make a Successful Blog or Website

Last updated February 27, 2024

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How to make a Successful Blog

Ever wanted to make a blog but don't know how? Or you want to make a wonderful website but don't know the "HOW TOs".

Well we'll be discussing on how to make a successful blog or website on this  guide/post.

Before we dive in, these are the lists of what we'll be discussing in this post.

Table of contents 
1. What is a blog/ Websites
2.Types of blogs/ Websites 
3.How to create a blog/website
4.Best themes for a blog or website
5.How to promote your blog/website 
6.How to Earn with your blog 
7.Making a successful blog/website (Summary).
How to make a successful blog

1. What is a blog or Website ?
According to English dictionary definition;
A blog is simply "a Website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal while readers may comment on the posts. 
While a website is ;
A computer installation particularly one associated with an intranet or internet service or telecommunications.
*An example of a Blog and a website is; Trendyers

an image of a Website.

Also, the definition of a website can be as follows;
Dictionary definition: a set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a single person or organization.

Wikipedia: A website is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server. Notable examples are,, and All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.

2. Types of Websites
There are mainly 2 groups of a Website which are;

a. Static website; this is a kind of website that (as the name implies) is static. That is, the content on the web pages always remains the same everytime unless they are changed or updated which only happens once in a while. A corporate website for most companies are static websites.

b. Dynamic website; this is just the opposite of static website, this kind of website is programmed to change from time to time. That is, the contents changes periodically. 
There are different categories of websites that falls under Dynamic website.

*Types of Dynamic websites includes; 

a. Blog; a blog features regularly updated articles, photos and videos.

a web infographics image.

b. e-Commerce; these websites are simply sites that sells products to customers online. Example;

an image of a E-commerce website.

c. Portfolio; these are types of websites that are used to display examples of previous work, mostly used by those in the Creative industry. These websites can also be used as a CV.
We'd recommend using or   Squarespace to make a wonderful portfolio.

an image of a portfolio website.

d. Corporate or business Website;
These are websites that are built to represent a particular business or a corporation. They are solely built on the purpose of promoting a corporation or a business.

An e-commerce website can be a business website, but they are mainly used for selling goods and not all business websites are used for selling.

an image of a business/corporate website.

e. Entertainment Websites
Ever wanted to watch or download a movie ? probably thinking of going to a site to download that your favorite movie or songs?
Well that Website you want to visit is an example of Entertainment website.

an image of an Entertainment website

Entertainment websites are designed to give pleasure, relaxation or to entertain the users or the audience. 
Examples are ; Netflix and Trendyers

Also, there are other varieties of  Dynamic websites, but these are the major categories.

3. How to create a blog or a website
Creating a blog or website can be as easy as you may think.
We'd recommend two places to create a blog or a website,which
are; Blogger and WordPress.

Simply go to and sign in with your Google account and follow the steps in the next page, fill in all the necessary details required from you.

You might as well go to and sign up with your email, follow and fill in the necessary information needed from you.
There you have yourself a website, then start creating posts with their various labels if any.

4. Best themes for a blog or a website
After creating a website, the next thing that should come to your mind should be;

*A good theme for that website or blog.
*How to get or make a theme or template
*Where to get a theme or template
*How to apply it after purchase 

A good theme for a website all depends on the purpose of that website, because each website category mostly have different kinds of themes suitable for it.
A nice theme also lies at if your theme or web template is User friendly, does it support SEO ? these are some of qualities of a good theme or template.

We'll be discussing on how to choose a theme for your website and also make some recommendations as you read on.

We recommend using to get amazing themes or templates, you can select default themes from your host as well, depends on your preference.

For bloggers, we'd recommend using the following themes/templates; 

a. BASHO; a multipurpose web theme 
an image preview of Basho 

b. WRITING; for personal blogs
an image preview of writing.

c.NEWSTUBE; for magazine blog and video
an image preview of newstube.

d. DISTO; a magazine theme 
an image preview of DISTO 

Etc, there are so many other good web themes.

After purchasing and downloading the files of this themes, you'll need to upload the file to your website.

Note: if your website is a dynamic website or is mainly used for blogging, you might need to make posts before or after applying the themes.

*To make a post on BLOGGER, kindly login and click on the 3 dashes on the top left corner of the page, then select "New post".

*To upload themes to your website using BLOGGER, kindly go to admin dashboard, click on the 3dashes on the top left corner of the page, then select " Themes".
On the next page, click on the drop down icon blow the "customize" option and select "restore themes" then choose your desired theme file to upload.
Check the image below; 

an image of how to select "restore" option.

4. How to promote your blog/Website.
Nobody would want to make a public website or blog that no one's gonna read or view. 
You wouldn't want to post a product for sell to end up not getting buyers or viewers and this is one of the reasons we promote our blogs or websites. 

There are several ways and platforms where you can promote your blog or website. Some of them includes; 

a. Tell friends and family about it: this might seem like a joke but trust me it definitely works, your blog can finally get the attention you want by just telling your closed relations about it. It worked for a friend of mine.
Believe me after telling your friends to visit your site and also telling them to refer another friend, that is " tell a friend to tell a friend" kind of thing, this will definitely get your site the attention you want.

b. Promote it on social media
Studies reviews that more than 60% of sites are promoted through social media platforms.
Are you on any popular social media platforms? Do you have any legit social media accounts or pages?
If you do, make a post about it on your wall, tell people what you do, your friends and followers will definitely end up coming across your posts.
You can go to these various social media platforms to promote your work; FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestLinkedInReddit, Etc.

an image of social media icons 

You can as well join Facebook groups that belong to your niche, post about your website on the groups if allowed, join groups like ; Follow for follow, like for like, view for view, etc.
If you're on Telegram, you can make a telegram channel for your blog and promote it on other popular channels or groups if allowed, but don't spam.

If you're also on Twitter, tweet about your blog and grow your followers there to get the attention you want.
You can do this on some other social media platforms as well, it helps because it worked for me.

c. Submit your site to Google search console.
Any one can come up one day and decide to browse about your site but can't find it even though it's public.
To avoid this and to make your site appear in the search results, kindly submit it to Google search console.
Yes you can submit it by copying the link to your site and visit Google search console , click on start, sign in with your Google account and past your link on the required space then press "Enter".

d. Sponsored posts or paid promotions
Sponsored promotions are just shortcuts to making your business get noticed, this is one of the reasons we have ads everywhere.
To quickly get your website or blog to be noticed, you simply pay for sponsored ads or post boosting depending on the best platforms you choose.
You can promote your blog on several platforms by doing the following; 

*You can use Google ads to promote your site, just go to Google play store and browse " Google ads" to install the app and start making compaigns.

*If you're using Facebook, simply create a page about your blog, set up your page to look professional enough and make some posts, Facebook will definitely pop an option to "Boost your post" then follow the next instructions on the next page after clicking "Boost post".

*If you're on Twitter,  "Boost post" is just on the options of likely every posts you make.

*if Instagram, Switch to professional account in the settings, then make some posts and boost it. 

*If Telegram, you can pay trusted popular channels to shout-out your blog's channel.

Also, you can still pay popular influencers to talk about your site or social media pages.

There are just several options to make sponsored posts, these are some of which really works.

6. How to Earn with your blog/ website 
Monetization of a website could be one of the exciting stage of web development.
There are just several ways you can monetize your blog. Some of which includes ; 

a. Google AdSense; Google AdSense is just one of the promising monetization platform as they paid average 0.5 dollars per CPc (views and clicks, depending on your location). 
Simply Head to Google AdSense and sign up then link your site and verify.
If you're using BLOGGER just head to the "Earnings" page.

b. Affiliate marketing; showing, promoting or talking about other products are just another means to monetize your sites.
There are several companies you can affiliate with, some of which includes; AmazonJumiaAliExpress, etc.
Simply visit any site of your choice and click on their help/ customercare pages, search "Affiliate" then select the best 1 or 2 results.

c. Sell eBooks 
You can can earn money from selling eBooks online on your websites.
If you have any eBooks for sell, you can attach a HTML widgets of that eBooks to your site, or tag it as a featured post on your site to sell, the users of your site will definitely come across it and probably purchase the items.

 There are several other options, but these are the best two (3). 

7. Summary
Making a successful blog or website is never easy.
There are several other things that were not covered in this post, but we covered the basic or major things to do in other to make successful blog or website. 
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