12 Things to do before submitting your website to Google AdSense

12 Things to do before submitting your website to Google AdSense

Last updated February 27, 2024

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12 things to do before submitting your website to Google AdSense

You're probably thinking of monetizing your website through AdSense and you want to get your site approved on AdSense ? Or your site is being rejected after submitting it on AdSense ? 

Well, in this guide, we'll be discussing on 12 things to do before submitting your website to Google AdSense.

Before we dive in, below are the lists of things we'll be discussing on this guide;

Table of contents 
1. What is Google AdSense
2. How to create and verify Adsense account 
3. How to submit your Website on AdSense
4. 12 things to do before submitting your website 

1.  What is Google AdSense 
According to Wikipedia;
AdSense is a program ran by Google through which website publishers in the Google network of content sites serve texts, images, videos, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site contents or audience.

Infact, AdSense is a Google program that pays you for placing ads on your website.

2. How to create and verify AdSense account 
a. To create Google AdSense account, simply head to Google AdSense and sign in with your Google account. On the next page, fill out all the necessary information needed from you and then click on "Start using AdSense" 

b. How to verify your AdSense account.
To do this, simply head to payments on the sidebar of the page and select verify identity.

Normally, after reaching your payments threshold and you want to get verified, a PIN will be mailed to your address and you'd have to confirm that pin on your AdSense account. 
Recently, most users from remote areas are finding it difficult to receive the pin and for this reason we'll discuss on another way you can get verified without the PIN.

How to verify your AdSense account without PIN 
To do this, after requesting a maximum of 3 times for your Pin, 
Follow the steps below; 

1. Go to your AdSense Dashboard
2. Go to ID verification from the sidebar of the page.
3. Fill out all the necessary information needed from you.
4. You'll find an option to verify your account through documents instead of Pin.
5. Click on the upload documents, and then select the document of your choice.
6. After that, click on the submit button.

After following the steps above, you'll have to wait for AdSense team's reply. It may take up to 30 minutes or a day for their response.

Please Note; it's really necessary to reach a payment threshold of 10 to 100$ before verifying your Google AdSense account.

3. How to submit your website on AdSense 
To do this, simply login to your adsense account and click on "Sites" on the sidebar of the page.
On the next page, click on "Add site" as shown on the image above.

Now, on the next page, paste the link to the site you want to get approved and click on "Save and continue" then you're good to go.

4. 12 things to do before submitting your website to Google AdSense.
Well, we're now on the main topic of this post,
Now, let's look in the some of the things you have to do before submitting your website to Google AdSense ;

1. Make your site to be SEO friendly 
Is your website Seo friendly ? is your website fast and mobile friendly ?
Before submitting your website to Google AdSense, you've got to make sure that your website is Seo friendly, fast and 
This is very much essential for your site, because AdSense tends to approve sites that are Seo friendly and this will also make your site to be discoverable on search engines.

Please check: Guide for growing website traffic to learn how to make your website to be SEO friendly and discoverable on search engines.

3. High Quality Contents 
One of the obvious things AdSense checks before approving a site is High Quality Contents.
This is because, according to AdSense, their advertisers prefer High Quality Contents.
So before applying for Google AdSense approval, you really need to check if the contents on your website are High Quality Contents, Unique and Original.

4. High Number of Contents 
Another important thing to consider before applying for Google AdSense approval is to check the number of contents on your website.
Yes, your site may end up not being approved because of low number of contents.

AdSense may not approve your site because of  "sites without contents or with low value contents" under Google-served ads on screens without publisher-content category. As shown on the image above.

In other to avoid this, you need to make sure your site has at least 15 to 20 high quality contents before submitting your website for Google AdSense approval.

5. Have a Privacy policy page 
Don't make the mistake of not having a Privacy policy page on your site before or after applying for Google AdSense approval.
The reason is because it is one of the requirements of Google AdSense. Many people end up not being approved because of this same reason of not having Privacy policy page.
Privacy policy page also proves the reliability and authenticity of your website.

6. Have a Terms of Use page 
This is another necessary thing you need to consider before submitting your site.
Terms of use page is as important as Privacy policy page even though some say it's not important. 
Your site may end up not being approved if you don't have it, and in other to avoid this, try having Terms of use page as well.

7. Have an About page 
Even if you're not planning on submitting your website to AdSense, an About page is another necessary thing you have to consider for your website.
An About page simply describes what your blog or website is all about. 
Just like privacy policy page, an About page is another important thing AdSense checks before approving a site.

8. Set up a Contact Us page
Another common mistake people make is not having a contact us page on their. Please don't make that mistake.

For some reasons, a user or site visitor might want to contact you or your company and end up not seeing a Contact page on your site, now depriving the user the access to contact you.
To prevent this, kindly set up a Contact us page and place the link either at your navigation menu or on the footer side of the page. This is very necessary before your submitting your website to AdSense.

9. Have a Clear Navigation Menu
If not for any other thing, a transparent navigation menu should be among the lists of things you should consider for your site.
Not even a user would like a Navigation Menu that is not arranged properly, say more of AdSense.

Having a clear navigation menu should give you more chances of getting approved, as long as you've carried out other necessary steps, including the ones mentioned on this post.

On your Navigation Menu, you should have the following clearly positioned;
*About us 
*Privacy policy 
*Contact us 
*Sitemap, Etc.

These are really important things to have on your Navigation Menu.

10. Get a Custom domain 
Even though this might seem not necessary, it puts your sites on higher chances of getting approved.
You can still be using subdomain from their partners like Blogger, but it's really considerable to get a custom domain before submitting your website.

I'd recommend getting a custom domain from; WordPress,  Google domains, Bluehost, or Godaddy .

10. Avoid using Copyright contents 
This is one of the most common mistakes newbies do before applying for AdSense and end up not getting approved.

While this isn't right, don't make the mistake of publishing copyrighted contents on your site because not only, you'll get banned, you might lose access to the blog if you're using a subdomain, or your website might be tagged as "untrustworthy" whenever a user visits it.

There are couple of sites you can find copyright free videos or even images you'd like to use for your blog or website.

Please check: top 10 websites to download free images to find websites you can get copyrights free images and videos.


12. Post or Publish frequently 
Don't be lazy, learn the habit of posting frequently.
Make researches, look for ideas even if you're out of ideas. There are reasons we have Google search and YouTube, make your own original contents from the ideas you've gathered.
Give your website users the reason to finally keep checking up on your blog or their emails for your latest updates.

While this comes in line with High number of contents option, it's really advisable to post regularly on your site before applying for AdSense, as this will give your site more chances of getting approved.

When you keep doing this often, even before or after applying for AdSense, you'll see that your site will rank high if you know exactly what you're doing.

Even after getting verified don't publish copyrighted contents, or do click bombing or leave your site on the sole purpose of advertising. 
It's really not advisable to engage in such, as the results could be vicious.

Please check: Google AdSense requirements for more information on what you'd require before applying for AdSense.

Monetizing your blog or website is one of the exciting stages of web development and I know AdSense is one of the best programs or platforms that could help you monetize your website. 
I believe that this guide is really helpful, and it could yield great results if you follow the instructions.

Thanks for reading and please leave a Comment.

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