Guide for Growing website Traffic

Guide for Growing website Traffic

Last updated February 27, 2024

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Guide on growing website traffic.

Have you been looking for a way to grow your fanbase, get your site noticed or to get audience that could potentially become customers for your business ? 

Well in this post, we'll guide you on how to grow your Traffic for your website or business.

Table of contents 
1. Meaning of Website traffic
2. Things to do before growing your traffic
3. How to grow your website traffic 

1. Meaning of Website traffic.
According to Wikipedia;
A website traffic is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a website.
In mere sense, a website traffic is nothing more than the number of audience that visits your website, except bots. Bots are not counted as website traffic since the mid-1990s.

2. Things to do before growing your traffic
There are several necessary things to do before growing your website traffic.
We'll be discussing with some of the basic necessities you need to do before growing your traffic, some of which includes; 

A. Make your website to be Seo friendly.
Is your website SEO friendly ? probably not.
For example, is your website fast and mobile-friendly ?
Before rushing to promote or grow your site, you need to make sure that your website is fast and mobile-friendly.
This is very much important because it'll make your site to be easily discovered in search engines and also allow easy access to your website for your site visitors. No one would like to wait for eternity to load a page on a website, this could be frustrating and if your website isn't fast, your visitors tends to go look for other alternatives.

Now, how do I make my site to be fast, mobile-friendly or SEO friendly ? 
The role you have to play here as the site admin are ;

a. Optimization of your header tags to help  search engines understand your site pages.

b. Focus on readability so that visitors can stay longer on your site.

c. Optimize meta description of your site.

b. Get a good, SEO friendly fast theme or     website template, 

Read How to make a successful blog , to learn how to setup a website and choose a theme. 
Or visit to get the best themes or website templates.

B. Republish your content 
This might seem like it isn't gonna change anything, but this truly works.
Studies have shown that republish contents tends to get more viewers than when they were originally published.
You never know who your new visitor is, or what they're looking for on your site.
Republishing your contents would likely  help your audience discover previous posts from your site.

C. Redesign your contents into infographics or videos.
Studies has shown that people would likely prefer a video clip than reading a long test on a blog when making researches.
Redesigning or reformatting your website contents into infographics or videos seems to be another essential thing to do before growing your fanbase. 
I'd recommend using YouTube to upload your infographics videos and then redirect your youtube channel's traffic to your Website.

Note: there are several other things to do before growing your traffic that I may not cover on this post, but these 3 listed above are very important.

Well, with that been said, let's head to the main question.

3. How To Grow Your Website Traffic
Web traffic is a very essential part of digital marketing or even blogging.
It's really not an uncommon thing not to get the number of audience you want on your website.
In other to solve this problem, we'll be discussing on different ways to grow your web traffic.
Now, let's look into some of the ways to grow web traffic;

1. Promote it on social media 

You probably know what Social media is, or you've come across it.
Social media is one of the influential online community that helps in growing site traffics.
Without writing much on this, let's look into some of the ways you can promote your site on social media.

a. Using Facebook 
You probably heard of Facebook before now.
Facebook is one of the most influential social media platforms where users interacts with each other.
*You can boost your site traffics on Facebook by posting about your site on your personal page or account, your friends and followers would possibly come across your post, or you can probably "boost post" on your Facebook page.
*You can as well go to various Facebook groups that belongs to your niche and share your passion there if allowed.

b. Join other social media platforms 
Yes, there are couple other influential social media platforms where you can boost your web Traffic.
Some of which includes;

Twitter; create an account on Twitter if you're not a member already and start twitting about your site or blog.

Telegram; create telegram channels after signing up, then start posting about your blog on the channel. You can also join other channels or groups that belongs to your niche and start promoting your content there as well if allowed.

Reddit; join Reddit groups and start talking about your blog as well if allowed.

Some other social media platforms that could potentially help are; InstagramPinterestLinkedInTwitch, etc.

There are just several other social media platforms that I may not mention here, you can still browse other trusted social media platforms on Google searches.

2. Pay for sponsored posts
This is one of the reasons we have ads almost everywhere online.
Most social media platforms support sponsored posts.
Depending on the platform you want to promote your blog, All the Social media I mentioned above support "Post boosting" .

Read How to make a successful blog to find the ways of creating sponsored ads.

3. Use Google ads 
Just go to Google playstore and search for "Google ads" and then install the app. Sign up or login with your email address or Google account and start creating campaigns.

The image above is just an overview of your Google ads dashboard.

4. Pay influencers or celebrities
Yes, you can boost your business or sites engagements by paying trusted popular influencers to do a shout-out on your social media page or site.
This is another decent method of growing traffic as it has helped on 70-80% of times.
If you look very well, you'll realize that most of the ads you see online features a popular celebrity, that's because they're being paid to advertise on those products, and with their influence, that very products tends to get more customers.
So paying trusted popular influencers really works, you can reach out to some of them on Social medias like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, etc.

5. Utilize Google analytics 
You can boost your web traffic by understanding the engagements on your website using Google analytics.
Just head to Google analytics and sign in with your Google account, fill in every details required from you in the next page, then setup your insights and submit your website link Url and then start monitoring your web engagements.

Check the image below to learn how to submit your website on Google analytics.
After logging into Google analytics, click on the Settings at the left down corner of the page as shown on the image above, then click on "Web"  if you specifically want to analyze your web traffic.
On the next page, input the link to your Website and your website name and click on "Create stream"  as shown on the image above.
You're good to go after doing this, then start measuring your Website engagements on Google analytics.

6. Go viral 
Yes you can grow your business by going viral on social media platforms using viral contents.
In most cases, you don't necessarily need to own that very contents before using it, as long as you give credits to the owners.
When going viral, you can redirect the traffic to your website and there you see the magic.

7. Use Clickbaits
Although this isn't the best option I'd recommend as at times it seems pretty annoying and sometimes it doesn't perform well since users has adapted to it.
This is the method most YouTubers are using, and it's definitely working.
Ever seen a content's thumbnail that is flashy, or very tempting to click on, then after clicking on it, you end up not getting exactly what you wanted ? Well that's just clickbait there.
It's not an uncommon thing to use clickbaits or to get clickbaited, you can apply this method as well by using flashy or tempting thumbnails for your posts, that's if you really want to use it.

 To download free images you can use as Clickbaits.

8. Do Giveaways and Discounts

You can really boost your business by doing discounts on the products you're selling, this is no new thing as almost all business owners use this method, even big companies like Amazon and AliExpress.
Yes, this is another very recommendable method to get the attention of the public.
You'd likely get the attention of some users by doing Discounts or Giveaways, as some users would like to stay active on your site, blog or social media pages in other not to miss the Giveaways or Special offers.

9. Utilize Semrush 
Semrush is an online visibility management and content marketing SaaS platform.
While Semrush would be another alternative for Google analytics, I'd recommend utilizing it to get the most out of your website engagements.
Just head to and sign up with your email address, then follow and fill in the necessary information needed from you and then link your site and start measuring your web engagements.
The image above is an Overview of your Semrush dashboard.

10. Utilize Google search console 
After applying some of the method above, your website may end up not being on Search results and in other to avoid this, you need to submit your website to Google search console so that it can be discoverable.
To do this, head to Google Search Console 
and login with your Google account, then paste your website link url and click on "Continue" as shown on the image above, then you're good to go.
Googlebots will crawl your website and make it discoverable when Searched on Search engines.
You can also manage your Insights on Google search console to understand your website searches, link clicks and engagements.

By following the various method I listed above, you'd truly grow your business or Website traffics.
Also there are other things I couldn't cover here, but the ones I listed above are really helpful for digital marketing and growing Website traffics.

Thanks for reading.

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